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Table 3 List of Gait Parameters for Frailty Assessment

From: Assessment of frailty: a survey of quantitative and clinical methods


Gait Parameters



Clinical Test

Frailty Assessment


Gait Velocity

M. Schwenk et al. [26], A. Martinez-Ramirez et al. [42, 54], E. Gianaria et al. [19], N. Milor et al. [59], B. Hotrabhavananda et al. [48], A. Dubois et al. [62], A. Prochazka et al. [24]

5 Inertial Sensor Unit Shank, Thighs And Lower Back [26], Tri-Axial Inertial Orientation [42], Kinect Sensor [19, 24, 48, 62], Single IMU on L3 [59], Tri-Axial Inertial Sensor Lumbar Spine (L3) Acceleration Signal(Vertical Direction Only) [54]

Walk of 4.5 m [26], 3m Walk Test [42], TUG [19, 48, 59], 3m Walk Test, F8W [48], 5m Walk Test [54]

Pre-Classified Using The Fried Phenotype [26, 59], Pre-frail, Frail and Robust [42], Correlation of TFI, TUG and Gait Parameters [19], Classified as Frail, Frail with Mild Cognitive and Robust [54]


Step And Stride Regularity, Approximate Entropy, Harmonic Ratio(HR), Total Harmonic Distortion

A. Martinez-Ramirezet al. [42] [54]

Tri-Axial Inertial Orientation [42], Tri-axial Inertial Sensor Lumbar Spine (L3) Acceleration Signal (Vertical Direction Only)[54]

3 m Walk Test [42], 5m Walk Test [54]

Pre-Frail, Frail and Robust [42], Classified as Frail, Frail with Mild Cognitive and Robust [54]


Gait Symmetry

A. Martinez-Ramirez et al. [42]

Tri-Axial Inertial Orientation [42]

3m Walk Test [42]

Pre-frail, Frail and Robust [42]


Gait Variability

A. Martinez-Ramirez et al. [54]

Tri-Axial Inertial Sensor Lumbar Spine (L3) Acceleration Signal (Vertical Direction Only) [54]

5m Walk Test [54]

Classified as Frail, Frail with Mild Cognitive and Robust [54]


Signal Root Mean Square (RMS) Value

A.Martinez-Ramirez et al. [42]

Tri-Axial Inertial Orientation [42]

3m Walk Test [42]

Pre-Frail, Frail and Robust [42]


Stride Length

M. Schwenk et al. [26], Hotrabhavananda et al. [48], A. Procházka el. [24, 46, 47], N.A. Capela et al. [45],

5 Inertial Sensor Unit Shank, Thighs and Lower Back [26], Kinect [24, 46–48], Smartphone [45]

Walk of 4.5m [24, 26], TUG and F8W [48], 2–6 min Walk Test [45], Walk 4m (back and forth) five Times [47]

Pre-Classified Using the Fried Phenotype [26]


Stride Time

M. Schwenk et al.[26], Hotrabhavananda et al. [48]

5 Inertial Sensor Unit Shank, Thighs and Lower Back [26], Kinect [48]

Walk of 4.5m [26], TUG and F8W [48]

Pre-Classified using the Fried Phenotype [26]


Double Support

M. Schwenk et al. [26] E. Gianaria et al. [19]

5 Inertial Sensor Unit Shank, Thighs and Lower Back [26], Kinect Sensor [19]

Walk of 4.5m [26], TUG [19]

Pre-Classified Using the Fried Phenotype [26],Correlation of TFI, TUG and Gait Parameters [19]


Swing Time

E. Gianaria et al. [19]

Kinect Sensor [19]

TUG [19]

Correlation of TFI, TUG and Gait Parameters [19]


Stride Velocity

M. Schwenk et al. [26]

5 inertial sensor unit shank, thighs and lower back [26]

Walk of 4.5m [26]

Pre-classified using the Fried Phenotype [26]



N.A. Capela et al. [45]

Smart Phone [45]

2–6 min Walk Test [45]



Dual Task Gait Patterns

A. Martinez-Ramirez et al. [54], O. Beauchet et al. [67]

Tri-Axial Inertial Sensor Lumbar Spine (L3) Acceleration Signal (Vertical Direction Only) [54],

5 m Walk Test [54], Walk 10 m and Perform Two Cognitive Tasks Dual Task [67]

Classified as Frail, Frail with Mild Cognitive and Robust [54], Pre-Classified using Speechley and Tinetti Criterion [67]


Foot Strikes,, Pelvis Acceleration, Number of Steps, Length Distance Traveled

N.A. Capela et al. [45]

Smart Phone [45]

2–6 min Walk Test [45]



Number Of Steps

N.A. Capela et al. [45], O. Beauchet et al. [67]

Smart Phone [45]

2–6 min Walk Test [45], Walk 10 m and Perform Two Cognitive Dual Tasks [67]

Pre-Classified using Speechley and Tinetti Criterion [67]


Step Time

A. Dubois et al. [62], N.A. Capela et al. [45]

Kinect [62], Smart Phone [45]

2–6 min Walk Test [45]



Step Length

A. Dubois et al. [62]

Kinect [62]



Toe-off speed, Mid-Swing speed, Mid-stance speed, propulsion duration, propulsion acceleration and speed norm

H.Rahemi. [43]

Inertial Sensor [43]

Walking Test [43]

Pre-Classified using the Fried Phenotype [43]